How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Smile

How Dental Implants Can Improve Your Smile

Tooth loss is more than a cosmetic problem. If you are living with some degree of tooth loss, you are not alone. According to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Dental Association (ADA), over 100 million American adults are missing at least one tooth and over 30 million are living with full tooth loss. In addition to the social and professional embarrassment and self esteem issues caused by missing teeth, there are a number of oral and general health risks associated with tooth loss. However thanks to modern dental technology and procedures, there are a number of options available to help restore your smile and oral health after tooth loss. Dr. David Erdman, a dentist in Fort Lauderdale, FL, recommends dental implants for qualifying adult patients suffering from full or partial tooth loss.

Improve Your Smile and Oral Health with Dental Implants in Fort Lauderdale, FL

Dental implants differ from other types of restorations in that they restore a missing tooth in its entirety, from root to crown. While the root may not be visible when you smile, it plays a critical role in your oral and general health. When a tooth falls out or is extracted, the missing root creates a vacuum that results in the erosion of bone tissue in the gums. Bone loss is a major factor in gum disease, and increases the risk of other oral health problems like infections and weakening of the surrounding teeth.

How Dental Implants Work

Implants are available for adults who have enough bone density in the jawbone to support the implant at the time of the procedure. The first phase consists of surgically placing the implant in the socket of the missing tooth. The implant consists of a small, biodegradable screw that fuses with the surrounding bone tissue through a process known as osseointegration. Once the process is complete and the implant has healed, the cosmetic crown is attached to complete the restoration. Implants are a great option to replace one, several, or all of your natural teeth. For patients with full tooth loss, just a few implants are all that are necessary to secure a set of dentures to the upper and lower jaw (implant overdentures).

Find a Dentist in Fort Lauderdale, FL

To learn more about how dental implants work and to find out if they are a good option for you, contact our office by calling (954) 564-1605 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Erdman.